OK well, For this post its rather, odd. I was doing the crossword this morning and I came across one that said a teller's stack. It was four letters long, third letter an E. I began to think, A bank teller's stack is filled with ones...which would fit. But what if it is a story teller... Then it would be lies... Well, My wandering little mind, went off on a tangent and made a rhyme that is sort of a story about a teller of tales, who's stack is filled with lies. So that is what this post is about... ENJOY...??
The Tale of…
This is how a tale begins,
With a might Grand Opening….
Once there was a teller of tales,
Fairy, Fiction, and of loves nightingales.
He was shrewd and rude at all times,
Most of all crude in his rhymes.
He’ll tell you thrice about some stacks
Then twice about madams racks.
But not once will he tell about his own stack….
A banker’s stack you see is filled with coins,
And a man’s is not more than between his groin.
A whore’s stack is between her thighs,
But this teller’s stack is made of lies.
A princess you say awaits love’s true kiss,
But it may only be fraudulent bliss.
O this teller of tales will make you see
That not every story ends happily.
There was this prince that came to slay,
And save the princess from her dismay
He will be charming, but not the guy,
For he only wants her royal whispering eye.
O this teller is so sly,
To fill your heads with his lies.
Thrice you say, it is not true
Twice he will try and trick you.
Not once will he say that it is not true.
For you see a teller of lies, is not a teller of tales.
Not of fairy, fictions, monsters or even loves nightingales.
It is true, that this teller will loose his disguise,
He’s not more than a rat filled with lies,
Now is the end, its his demise.
He won’t part for long,
So don’t say your good-byes.
The Tale of…
This is how a tale begins,
With a might Grand Opening….
Once there was a teller of tales,
Fairy, Fiction, and of loves nightingales.
He was shrewd and rude at all times,
Most of all crude in his rhymes.
He’ll tell you thrice about some stacks
Then twice about madams racks.
But not once will he tell about his own stack….
A banker’s stack you see is filled with coins,
And a man’s is not more than between his groin.
A whore’s stack is between her thighs,
But this teller’s stack is made of lies.
A princess you say awaits love’s true kiss,
But it may only be fraudulent bliss.
O this teller of tales will make you see
That not every story ends happily.
There was this prince that came to slay,
And save the princess from her dismay
He will be charming, but not the guy,
For he only wants her royal whispering eye.
O this teller is so sly,
To fill your heads with his lies.
Thrice you say, it is not true
Twice he will try and trick you.
Not once will he say that it is not true.
For you see a teller of lies, is not a teller of tales.
Not of fairy, fictions, monsters or even loves nightingales.
It is true, that this teller will loose his disguise,
He’s not more than a rat filled with lies,
Now is the end, its his demise.
He won’t part for long,
So don’t say your good-byes.
You are my favorite rhyming poet student ever. Thanks.
You are the anti-Seuss, and I mean that in a good way.
There's even something cool about the shape of the poem. Not sure if that was intentional or not.
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